Coneguda com LA PRINCESA DEL BOOGIE ! ANKE ANGEL, holandesa de neíxement i admiradora de tots els clásics del génere que no li ha impedit crear el seu propi estil ........... us podem oferir un dels seus videos , calentet encara amb una divertida jam amb els seus amics i
d´altres actuacions seves on podeu apreciar la seva forma de tocar el Boogie- Woogie !
Anke Angel was born in Zeist, Holland. Her father was (and still is) a great fan of boogiewoogie. He played the piano, the guitar and the violin. Ankes mother was a classical ballet dancer. Together they listened to thousands of records, from Albert Ammons, Meade Lux Lewis, Louis Armstrong, Errol Garner, Oscar Peterson…and many others.
At the age of three, Anke played her first boogie, a few years later she began taking piano- and singing lessons. In her hometown there was only a classical school of music, so she taught herself how to play the boogies by listening to the records over and over. She composed her own songs and recorded them on her father’s equipment.
Years later she had her first boogie and jazz-lessons, from pianist Rob Agerbeek (Rob Agerbeek trio, Dutch Swing College band)
Anke studied law in Utrecht . Already during her college-time she formed a musical cabaretduo. Just for fun, but the duo won a national Cabaret prize and performed everywhere in Europe for a few years.
Then Anke graduated and became a lawyer, specialized in entertainment- and intellectual property law. But her heart was with the music.
When Boogiewoogie legend from Texas Little Willie Littlefield heard Anke play he was exited, and encouraged her to start a professional music career. Her first performance was in Erfurt Germany, for thousands of people, offered by German concert agent Rolf Schubert.
Since then Anke is asked to play everywhere in Europe, to her own great excitement, because: “as a musician I can make a lot more people happy then as a lawyer!
Anke Angel is een jazz- en Boogie Woogie pianiste met fenomenale stem. Daarnaast is zij een van de weinige vrouwelijke boogie woogie pianisten en maakt internationaal furore o.a. in Duitsland, Zwitserland, Spanje en Italie.
Anke haar repertoire is veelzijdig en boeit vanaf de eerste minuut. Krachtige blues, dynamische en pure boogie woogie, maar ook zachte, sobere ballads en warme jazz in de lijn van hedendaagse populaire jazz-zangeressen, zoals Norah Jones en Diana Krall. Charme en een jeugdige uitstraling gecombineerd met een cabaretesk optreden, maakt dit festivaloptreden eigentijds en swingend. Kortom, pure entertainment! Anke laat de Boogie Woogie koorts in uw feest of festival toeslaan.
Anke Angel treedt als basis op in trio bezetting (zang/piano, bas, drums) en kan in overleg worden aangevuld voor nog meer spektakel. Spectaculair zijn haar optredens met bekende nationale en internationale saxofonisten, maar ook een 3 mans blazers sectie en/of aanvulling met en gitarist is mogelijk.
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