Resultado de imagen de EDEN BRENT

Pianista y vocalista, combina el boogie-woogie con elementos de blues, jazz, soul, gospel y pop. Su estilo vocal ha sido comparado a Bessie Smith, Memphis Minnie y Aretha Franklin. Tomó lecciones de Abie "Boogaloo" Ames, un pianista tradicional de blues y boogie woogie que la apodó "Little Boogaloo."
Eden Brent nació en 1965 y creció en Greenville, Misisipi. Brent estudió jazz y música en la Universidad del Norte de Texas, graduándose con un Bachelor en Música.

Cuándo tenía 16 años, Eden Brent conoció al tardío pionero del blues, Boogaloo Ames, que empezó a enseñarle a tocar en su estilo. Brent ha dicho al respecto,

"Cuando tenía 19 años me convertí casi en una groupie. Iba a oírle y pedirle canciones porque quería oírlas y mirar su manera de tocarlas. Después iba a casa a intentar aprenderlas. Finalmente, después de unos cuantos fracasos, no siendo capaz de aprenderlas por mi cuenta fui lo bastante intrépida para preguntarle si quería enseñarme."1​

En 1985, Ames la tomó bajo su protección durante 16 años, apodándola su Little Boogaloo.2​ Este aprendizaje mejoró las cualidades de Brent. Fue presentada junto a Ames en 1999 en el PBS documental, Boogaloo & Eden: Sustaining the Sound, y en 2002 en la producción sudafricana Cuarenta Días en el Delta.3​

Brent ha actuado por todo el país en escenarios como el Kennedy Center, la Convención Nacional Republicana del 2000, la inauguración presidencial del 2005 (compartiendo cartel con B.B. King), el Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, la Embajada Británica, el Portland Waterfront Blues Festival, el Edmonton Blues Festival, el anual B.B. King Homecoming y a bordo del Legendario Rhythm& Blues Cruise.

Nicknamed "Little Boogaloo" by her Mississippi mentor Boogaloo Ames, Eden Brent is much more than her signature boogie-woogie piano and juke-joint blues holler. She is a celebrated songwriter and dynamic performer, with numerous nominations and awards including three Blues Music Awards. Her new album, An Eden Brent Christmas With Bob Dowell, is a collection of 12 playful and bluesy holiday favorites arranged by Brent's husband, London-born phenom trombonist and whiz arranger Bob Dowell. The album launches December 7th and is available on Yellow Dog Records.

Born in the heart of the Mississippi Delta in Greenville, to a family of riverboat captains and guitar pickers, Eden's story could’ve been written by Tennessee Williams or any number of Mississippi’s colorful authors. The Greenville bridge is named for her grandfather Jesse, the Waterways Journal "Riverman of the Century". Her father, Captain Howard, famous for his Hank Williams renditions and grand story-telling, is a bona-fide living "River Legend", and her mother Carole was born a sharecropper but became a big band singer and fashion model, working at Chicago’s Chez Paris in the 1950's.

A life-long piano enthusiast, Eden was surrounded by music and learned her first notes at age three. "Grandma could read and play beautifully," Eden explains, "She taught me Middle C and my first simple tunes. I had an ear for music and was pecking out my brother’s recital piece before I was old enough to go to school.” Piano lessons were part of her education from primary school through graduation from the University of North Texas and beyond. "I always loved to play, but I hated to read and I really hated practice until I started hanging around Boogaloo. He put the music right in my hands.” She continues, “Daddy jokes he could’ve saved a lot of money on my college tuition if he would've introduced me to Boogaloo a few years earlier.”  Mentor and protege palled around and made music for 16 years until Boogaloo's death in 2002.

Resultado de imagen de EDEN BRENT

Eden is featured in three documentary films: Boogaloo & Eden: Sustaining the Sound; Forty Days in the Delta; 180 Degrees: Changing Lives in the Mississippi Delta, has appeared in print publications like USA Today and Garden & Gun, has been highlighted on national radio broadcasts including NPR Weekend Edition, House of Blues Radio Hour, and American Routes, and her music continues to delight both critics and live audiences alike.

Since launching her career, Eden travels the United States and abroad performing in festivals like Notodden, the Chicago Blues Festival, Cognac's Blues Passions, and the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. She's a frequent piano bar host aboard the Legendary Rhythm & Blues Cruise and  has been a special guest aboard the American Queen Steamboat, a performance that celebrated her Mississippi River heritage.

She has released five solo albums: Something Cool 2003; Mississippi Number One 2008; Ain't Got No Troubles 2010; Jigsaw Heart 2014, and her brand new An Eden Brent Christmas With Bob Dowell, available on Yellow Dog Records. In addition to her four solo albums, Eden recorded The Brent Sisters Party Dress with sisters Jessica and Bronwynne, also songwriters. Released in 2012, the album is a collection of songs written by their late mother, Carole Brent.

Eden lives in her hometown with her husband Bob Dowell, a musician and arranger from the U.K., and their two very naughty dogs.

Eden Brent
Little Boogaloo Entertainment, LLC
811 Arnold Avenue
Greenville, Mississippi 38701

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