La Historia del Boogie-Woogie, no només está escrita per grans pianistes, també mestres de diferents instrument com el saxo, trompeta etc es van dedicar a aquest génere, el cas que us presentem es tracta d´un trombonista que es va dedicar juntament amb la seva propia orquesta a la música de ball  on va destacar per la seva afició al Boogie-Woogie. 
Wilbur Schwichtenberg  (12 jul 1912 - 15 jul 1989) era un americà trombonista i director de orquestra, que també toca sota el nom de Bradley. Era conegut per la música de ball dolça, així com boogie woogie cançons, moltes de les quals van ser escrits per Don Raye.
Nascut a Newton, Nova Jersey, Schwichtenberg va ser un dels trombonistes de primer nivell en el Nova York escena swing, i sovint va participar en jam sessions difoses per The Swing Club de CBS Dissabte Nit. En 1939, ell i el baterista Ray McKinley va formar una big band, amb Schwictenberg prenent el nom professional de Bradley. La banda Bradley va arribar a ser ben conegut pel boogie-woogie, particularment el seu disc d'èxit, " Beat Me Daddy (Eight To The Bar) ", amb Freddie Slack al piano.  Aquest registre, juntament amb un altre nombre de boogie woogie big band, "Scrub Em Mama amb un cop Boogie ", i la versió original de l'obra clàssica," Down the road a piece  ", estaven tots tres en el top 10 en les llistes de música populars de Billboard al mateix temps, a finals de 1940. "Down the road a piece" va ser gravat amb un trio paret cap avall anomenat "Will Bradley Trio", compost per McKinley, Doc Goldberg, i Freddie Slack, amb vocalista convidat pel compositor Don Raye.
Bradley va ser un dels primers líders de la banda que van aparèixer en Soundies, de tres minuts de pel·lícules musicals fets perquè funcionen amb monedes "màquines de discos de pel·lícules." Pel·lícules de Bradley, realitzades a finals de 1940, es van distribuir àmpliament i van donar la banda Bradley valuosa exposició. El baterista Ray McKinley va fer la major part de les veus.
El 1942 McKinley va ser per a formar la seva pròpia banda i uns mesos després es va unir a la Força Aèria dels Estats Units, on va tocar amb Glenn Miller i la seva banda de la Força Aèria. Bradley va intentar mantenir la seva banda, però els problemes causats per la guerra va obligar a Bradley a dissoldre. Bradley es va convertir en un músic d'estudi, i va tocar durant molts anys al The Tonight Show Band durant el Johnny Carson era.



RARE OLDIES SOUNDIES WITH MR WILL BRADLEY & HIS ORCHESTRA !!! Wilbur Schwictenberg (July 12, 1912 -- July 15, 1989) was an American trombonist and bandleader who also performed under the name Will Bradley. He was known for swing and sweet dance music, as well as boogie woogie songs, many of which were written by Don Raye.
Born in Newton, New Jersey, Schwictenberg was one of the premier trombonists on the New York swing scene, and he often participated in jam sessions broadcast on The CBS Saturday Night Swing Club. In 1939 he and drummer Ray McKinley formed a big band, with Schwictenberg taking the professional name of Will Bradley. The Bradley band became well known for boogie-woogie, particularly its hit record, "Beat Me Daddy, Eight to the Bar" with Freddie Slack on piano. This record, along with another big-band boogie woogie number, "Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat," and the original version of the classic, "Down the Road a Piece", were all three in the top 10 on the Billboard popular music charts at the same time, in late-1940. "Down the Road a Piece" was recorded with a pared-down trio called the "Will Bradley Trio," made up of McKinley, Doc Goldberg, and Freddie Slack, with guest vocals by songwriter Don Raye.
Will Bradley was one of the first bandleaders who appeared in Soundies, three-minute musical films made for coin-operated "movie jukeboxes." Bradley's films, made in late 1940, were widely distributed and gave the Bradley band valuable exposure. Drummer Ray McKinley did most of the vocals.
In 1942 McKinley left to form his own band and a few months after joined the United States Air Force, where he played in the Glenn Miller Air Force band. Bradley tried to maintain his band, but problems caused by the war forced Bradley to disband. Bradley became a studio musician, and played for many years in the The Tonight Show Band during the Johnny Carson era.
You can watch all my rare oldies soundies on : http://www.myspace.com/swingcocktail ! Many thanks , NICKY .


Scrub Me Mama With A Boogie Beat (Raye) by Will Bradley & his Orchestra, vocal by Ray McKinley

The Bradley-McKinley band’s follow-up to their highly successful “Beat Me Daddy (Eight To The Bar)” was this Don Raye reworking of the traditional jig “The Irish Washerwoman.” It climbed to #2 on Billboard.

TIP: Click this link to browse through all 128 videos of the 1940 HITS ARCHIVE collection, alphabetically arranged in the convenient YouTube Playlist format: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

THE 1940 HITS ARCHIVE - here in one place, a good-quality library of best-sellers and songs that made an impact, presented in the original-release versions (no remakes, alternate takes, or “re-processed stereo”)

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